Use a Wood or Pellet Stove for Efficient Heating

When temperatures plummet, homeowners almost universally begin complaining about how much it costs to heat their homes. And nearly all homeowners begin looking for ways to reduce their home heating costs. This winter, consider adding a wood or pellet stove to your...

It’s Almost Burn Season; Find the Best Firewood!

As summer draws to a close, homeowners are beginning to make their preparations for fall and winter. If you have a wood-burning fireplace or heating stove, that means that you’ll be investing in fuel for your hearth. The right firewood can make all the difference in a...

Check Out Our Fireplace Store

Fall’s chill soon will be setting in, and that means one thing: Fireplace season. If your fireplace needs to be updated or accessories, or if you’re looking to add a new fireplace or heating stove to your home, check out our fireplace store — The Cozy Flame — now to...

Keeping Animals Out of Your Chimney

If your chimney isn’t protected, you could find it playing home to an animal. Whether they enter the chimney by accident or are tempted into building a nest by the warmth and shelter of the chimney, birds, bats, raccoons, and squirrels are common intruders in...

What causes chimney odors?

Summer’s heat and humidity have set in. Unfortunately, when temperatures and moisture rise, something else can set into your home: Chimney odors. Chimney odors that are absent in the winter can become obvious and strong in the summer. These odors can be distressing...