Fall has officially arrived, and it is here in full force. Many leaves have already fallen to the ground, and those that have not still cling to the trees, creating a beautifully colored landscape. The winds now have a crisp edge that has everyone searching for a cozy jacket to bundle up in. In addition to enjoying the cool weather and sipping hot apple cider, many people – particularly homeowners – are starting to think about heating their homes, if they have not already switched the heat on. Many Connecticut homes still utilize wood-burning stoves or fireplaces as at least a partial source of heat. That means now is the time to stock up on fuel, meaning bundles and cords of wood.
For some homeowners, choosing and purchasing firewood can be a hassle. There are the questions of where to buy the firewood, whether the purchase is a good deal, and estimating how much you will need to get you through the winter. The amount of wood you need depends on your fireplace, the weather conditions, and how often you plan to use your stove or fireplace. Whether or not the wood you buy is worth the price you pay depends on the individual wood dealer you choose. However, you can know ahead of time where to buy your firewood because where you buy depends on where the dealer gets the firewood from.
You should always inquire about the origins of the firewood before deciding to purchase it. Choose to buy from firewood dealers who only sell firewood from local forests. The reason for this is that every forest contains native species of insects and fungi, all of which cohabitate together with few problems. However, when the firewood from these forests travel to different areas, even a mere few counties away, the native organisms on them travel along too. When you store your firewood outside, these species start to inter mingle. Then, these once native species are introduced to new habitats where they become nonnative species. This could result in devastating consequences for the ecosystem.
One nonnative species that has wreaked havoc on the ecosystem is the Emerald Ash Beetle that originated in Asia. It first appeared in Michigan, where it began terrorizing the ash tree population. Now, ash trees all over the country are being eaten alive and thousands have already died.
In order to avoid devastations like this in the future, firewood must not leave the area it was cut down in. Therefore, avoid traveling long distances to purchase firewood, and avoid traveling long distances to use your firewood. Even transporting just a few bundles of wood can start a nonnative species epidemic in the habitat you visit.
So make sure you are buying locally grown firewood that is well seasoned and ready to burn. Always make sure the firewood is not green and well dried out to burn cleanly in your fireplace.
To speak more about this topic with an expert, contact Total Chimney Care for professional input.