What is a Witches Crook?

Chimneys do a lot for a home. They ensure the smoke and fumes from your fireplace are sent safely outdoors, they protect your woodwork from the heat your fires produce, and they add an aesthetic appeal that is undeniable. Yet, as we approach Halloween, there’s another...

Your Oil Flue Needs to be Cleaned, too!

Oil furnaces work hard all winter long, running cycles to keep your home warm and comfortable. As the oil burns to heat your home, it creates soot and other byproducts that build up within your chimney. Your oil flue needs to be cleaned and inspected at least once per...

Understanding how your chimney works

One of the most common complaints from fireplace owners is improper chimney drafting, or smoke entering the house from the fireplace rather than exiting through the chimney. The proper working of your chimney relies on the principles of physics. While it may sound...